Advent, Luke 1:26-38

It’s Advent, friends!!  What a joyous time of the year!!  There is nothing more exciting than preparing for the coming of our Savior.  Welcoming a new born babe in a manger, seemingly so small and ordinary, who will grow to become the Savior of the entire world!

During the month of December, I will be celebrating the coming and the birth of our Lord.

Today I am looking at Luke 1: 26-38, the story of Mary and the angel.  Instead of sharing the scripture (which I still encourage you to read!), I am sharing this:

Now this had to be the scariest moment ever!!  I remember finding out I was pregnant with Big Girl, my first child.  I was petrified.  Would I be a good mom?  Would I do the right things?  Would I raise her the way God was trusting I would?

I was petrified and yet I was married.  I was established as a teacher (although still wet behind the ears).  I had a home and a supportive family who was just as excited as we were.

But Mary was a virgin!  She wasn’t married yet.  And society was about to think pretty poorly of her for being pregnant.  Who would ever believe that an angel had visited her and that this baby was the child of God?  Sounds like the world’s most bogus excuse.

And yet, she trusted.  She may have been petrified… but she was also brave.  And she was obedient.  And thanks to her faith and obedience, we have a Savior.  It is a beautiful story of strength in someone very small and unassuming.  That is just like God, don’t you think?  To use someone ordinary to perform something extraordinary?!  God is so good!!


Follow the suggested reading with me!

advent study

I would love your comments or links to your own Advent posts!  And please grab my button!

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3 thoughts on “Advent, Luke 1:26-38

  1. Thank you for sharing at The Weekend Brew! I cannot imagine all that was going through Mary’s head when she found out that she was to be the mother to the Son of God!

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