How to Begin to Read Your Bible

It is a new year (finally!)! With each new year comes new resolutions and promises to make us better people. After the chaos that was 2020, I can imagine the resolutions are deep and wide this year. Do you want to lose weight? Get healthier? Save more money? Seek more friends? Stop cursing or lying or letting people walk all over you? These are some pretty popular resolutions. How about getting closer to God? Joining a church community? How about finally opening that Bible you were given in fifth grade and beginning to read through it?

I poke fun… yeah, we all have that childhood Bible with our name engraved on the faux leather cover. Or maybe we have purchased or been gifted a newer model with study notes or margins for journaling. 2021 is the year to open that Bible and start reading through it! Many people make this a New Year’s resolution… and like so many other resolutions, people throw it out early on.

I love my Bibles. And, yes, I meant that to be plural. I have developed quite the collection! Some I purchased for myself because of the translation or study edition. A few were gifted to me from sweet friends and family who know how much I love God’s word. And the precious ones were left to me from loved ones who have passed on. They contain handwritten notes in the margin and dates or messages in the cover pages that make them priceless memories of loved ones who have shared their love for Christ and their love of God’s word with me.

I have been reading through my Bibles, one at a time, each year since 2013. Each one has it’s turn, and each one has given me new insight into God’s amazing and holy word. I LOVE THE BIBLE. It is my all-time favorite book. I love it more than Pride and Prejudice or Winnie the Pooh or any of the other classics that I have lining my shelves. I’d rather open it’s pages and read than to sit and read from any other authors. And now, I am eager to share that love with you.

I have compiled a list of five easy tips that can help you get started reading through your Bible. This journey will not only help you love the scriptures more, but it will also help you come to know our Creator. You can come to learn His character, see His sovereignty and power, experience His love and mercy, and come to know Him as a loving Father, a loyal friend, and a mighty King.

1- Be intentional in the time and place you choose to read.

You read that right. I get up every weekday morning at 4:30… which means sleeping in on weekends looks more like 6am. I do it to make my morning time intentional. I have always wanted time with God and time to read through the Bible… but I always attempted this at night. I experienced a lot of failure by falling asleep as I read or being easily distracted by a bustling house.

I am a morning person for sure. In 2013, I decided to make my mornings more intentional by doing my reading before I got ready for work. I began by getting up at 5:30. But as my desire to dig deeper grew, so did my need to find more time. So I got up earlier.

My morning routine is now a happy habit. I have a quiet house to myself, can get a lot more done, and have plenty of time for some reading and deep study before I have to leave for work.

Maybe mornings aren’t your thing… but it’s vital to be INTENTIONAL. Carve out some time without distractions. Make sure you are alert and focused. And if you fail? Try again at a different time! Mornings work for me, but they may not work for you.

I’m beginning my ninth time through the Bible. But I am sure I failed over a hundred times before I was able to get through it! I can tell you I have read through the New Testament way more times than the Old (and now the Old Testament is my favorite!) in an attempt to get through it all! I choose to get up every morning at 4:30, but a different time may work better for you. Just choose to be free of distractions and focused on your reading.

2- You don’t have to start with Genesis!

What has kept you from reading through the Bible? Maybe the Old Testament and its stories and genealogies are too much for you right now. Although it is my favorite now, it did not use to be.

But who says you have to start with Genesis and read to Revelation? Maybe your Bible reading goal for 2021 needs to focus on the New Testament. For many, beginning in the NT is easier. Reading through the four gospels is a great accomplishment! You do not have to tackle the whole Bible at once!

YouVersion is my favorite Bible app. It offers lots of different reading plans and daily devotions to help you ease your way into the Bible. Install the app today and see what is available to you!

It is up to you how you get into the Bible. There are no requirements or rules. Just read. The Bible is a unified story that points to Jesus. This is how you get to know God’s character. This is where you learn about God’s creation and His sacrifice. This is where you see that God loves you more than you can even imagine… and once your eyes are opened in your reading, you’ll see Him everywhere. Whether it’s Genesis or Matthew, the Gospels or the letters, begin reading and see God work. 

3- choose the right translation for you!

The Bible can be difficult to understand on its own without having the added challenge of difficult language. Bible apps, like YouVersion, offer you lots of different translations to help you in your reading. They will all be similar because they are all translating the same Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek text; but some are more conversational that others.

Look at the verse I chose in the NIV, and then compare how the following translations I chose read differently. There are a lot to choose from, but these are some of the ones I go back and forth between to gain incite.

And if you ask for anything in my name, I will do it for you so that the Father’s glory will be shown through the Son. (New Century Version)

Ask me, and I will do whatever you ask. This way the Son will bring honor to the Father. (Contemporary English Version)

You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. (New Living Translation)

Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. (English Standard Version)

And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. (King James Version)

The goal is to open your Bible and begin reading… but you also want to keep reading! So, choose a translation that you feel comfortable with. If you are reading with an app, you can go back and forth, if needed. Don’t let the difficult Old English of King James keep you from your goal!

4- look for resources to help you, like a dictionary or Bible commentary.

I want to share the resources I keep handy while I read.

As you can see, there are some I haven’t touched in a while. But there are three I open regularly. The first and most often used is my dictionary app!! I may be a smart woman— and, yes, I am a teacher— but there are a LOT of words I am unfamiliar with. I use this app ALL THE TIME! Note that this is not a Bible dictionary. I own one of those, and I have used it… but sometimes the words just aren’t your typical Bible words.

The second app I use on the regular is another Bible app. I keep YouVersion locked at the bottom of my screen, but Bible Gateway is an app I use for digging deeper into God’s word. I actually enjoy their website more than their app… but the app is very handy while I’m reading/studying. This Bible app/website offers encyclopedias, study notes, and commentaries. When there is something in scripture that really leaves me confused, I look up the verse in a commentary to gain more insight. And it’s amazing.

The last app is for when I really “nerd out”. It is another Bible app… but with the added incentive of an interlinear version in the Hebrew and Greek! I can look up scripture and find the words in the original language. This helps to understand the context and depth of the words used. We often only have one word in English where there are multiple words in the Greek. Knowing what word was used originally can help your understanding.

Of course, if you are beginning to read through the Bible for the first time, you probably won’t use some of these apps. And you don’t have to. The point is, there are lots of resources available to you if you get stuck or confused!

5- finally, commit! Say YES and stick with it!

This is not a fad diet or a typical resolution. This is a commitment to grow closer to God, to follow Jesus, and to learn to be obedient to His word. This has eternal benefits. Dig deep inside yourself and commit to it! If you miss a day, just pick back up the next day. If you miss a week, pick back up and keep going! Find someone to read with if that will help you stay committed. An accountability partner or reading buddy could really help!

As always, I am here to help. Message me if you want to know more or if you are in of encouragement. I will be that reading buddy or that accountability partner! Who knows? There may be a whole community of us that want to go through this together. There’s no better time than now… and no better decision than YES!

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