Advent, Isaiah 9:2-7 (Monday Praises #15)


It’s Advent, friends!!  What a joyous time of the year!!  There is nothing more exciting than preparing for the coming of our Savior.  Welcoming a new born babe in a manger, seemingly so small and ordinary, who will grow to become the Savior of the entire world!

During the month of December, I will be celebrating the coming and the birth of our Lord.

Today I am looking at Isaiah 9:2-7:

Those who walked in the dark
have seen a bright light.
And it shines upon everyone
who lives in the land
of darkest shadows.
Our Lord, you have made
your nation stronger.
Because of you, its people
are glad and celebrate
like workers at harvest time
or like soldiers dividing up
what they have taken.

You have broken the power
of those who abused
and enslaved your people.
You have rescued them
just as you saved your people
from Midian.
The boots of marching warriors
and the blood-stained uniforms
have been fed to flames
and eaten by fire.

A child has been born for us.
We have been given a son
who will be our ruler.
His names will be
Wonderful Advisor
and Mighty God,
Eternal Father
and Prince of Peace.
His power will never end;
peace will last forever.
He will rule David’s kingdom
and make it grow strong.
He will always rule
with honesty and justice.
The Lord All-Powerful
will make certain
that all of this is done.

I am known by many names.  To my family I am Amy or Mom.  To my youth and children’s choirs I am Mrs. Amy (and occasionally Your Royal Highness).  To my students I am Mrs. Kelly.  I hope that when these names come into people’s minds that they equate them with someone who is loving and supportive and kind.

Wonderful Counselor. Mighty God. Everlasting Father.  Prince of Peace.  Now those are some great names!  And boy does He live up to them!!  When we turn to Him in prayer, He will guide us where we should go.  His power defeats evil… and yet He loves us with the unconditional love of a devoted parent.  He reigns over the world, the light and the dark, with power and might… and love.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus… there’s just something about that name.  Master, Savior, Jesus… like the fragrance after the rain.  He is my Savior, my Father, my master, my friend.  His love is unfailing and unending.  He is worthy of all our praise!


Follow the suggested reading with me!

advent study

I would love your comments or links to your own Advent posts!  And please grab my button!

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I am so excited to be hosting this weekly link up bringing praises to our heavenly Father!  I want this to be a community of praise, giving God all the glory!!  Feel free to link posts, past or present; vlogs; praise and worship music; whatever expresses praise to God for YOU!  Be sure to grab  the big pink button at the right so we can encourage others to link up and share their stories of praise!  Then be sure to visit all those who link up!

Now, it’s your turn!  Link up your stories of praise!!  To God be all the glory!  Make sure to link directly to your post, not just your homepage!

14 thoughts on “Advent, Isaiah 9:2-7 (Monday Praises #15)

  1. Yes! There is a song by Laurell Hubick called “Names of God” – and it is beautiful – great for meditating on His names! I gave a message a couple of years ago at our church’s teen girls’ retreat about His many names and it fascinated me. 🙂 I’m so thankful He is not only all of these great things, but He is the fulfillment of those things.


  2. Amy – This is a beautiful post. Made me realize how important our name is & what is connected to it. But more importantly, the power that is in The Name.

  3. Pingback: Hear The Bells | Days & Thoughts

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